Years: 2023 2024 2025

Spain Public Holidays List 2023

Following are the list of Public, Office, School, Bank Holidays in Spain year 2023
101 Jan, SundayNew Year's DayNational holiday
202 Jan, MondayReconquest DayLocal holiday , Granada (GR)
306 Jan, FridayEpiphanyNational holiday
423 Jan, MondayDay of Saint IldefonsoObservance , Toledo (TO)
529 Jan, SundaySt. Valero's FeastLocal holiday , Zaragoza
614 Feb, TuesdayValentine's DayObservance
722 Feb, WednesdayAsh WednesdayObservance
828 Feb, TuesdayDay of AndalucíaLocal holiday , Andalusia (AN)
901 Mar, WednesdayDay of the Balearic IslandsLocal holiday , Balearic Islands (IB)
1006 Mar, MondayFifth of MarchLocal holiday , Zaragoza
1119 Mar, SundaySan JoseLocal holiday , Basque Country (PV)
1220 Mar, MondayMarch EquinoxSeason
1326 Mar, SundayDaylight Saving Time startsClock change/Daylight Saving Time
1402 Apr, SundayPalm SundayObservance
1506 Apr, ThursdayMaundy ThursdayLocal holiday , Andalusia (AN)
1607 Apr, FridayGood FridayNational holiday
1709 Apr, SundayEaster SundayObservance
1810 Apr, MondayEaster MondayLocal holiday , Balearic Islands (IB)
1914 Apr, FridaySermon of the TortillasObservance , Teruel (TE)
2023 Apr, SundaySanta FazObservance , Alicante
2123 Apr, SundaySt George's DayLocal observance , Catalonia (CT)
2223 Apr, SundayCastile and León DayLocal holiday , Castile-Leon (CL)
2324 Apr, MondayDay of AragónLocal holiday , Aragon (AR)
2428 Apr, FridaySan PrudencioObservance , Álava (VI)
2501 May, MondayLabor Day / May DayNational holiday
2602 May, TuesdayDay of MadridLocal holiday , Madrid
2707 May, SundayMothers' DayObservance
2815 May, MondayFeast Day of St IsidoreLocal holiday , Madrid
2917 May, WednesdayGalicia Literature DayLocal holiday , Galicia (GA)
3028 May, SundayWhit Sunday/PentecostObservance
3129 May, MondayWhit MondayLocal holiday , Barcelona
3230 May, TuesdayDay of the Canary IslandsLocal holiday , Canary Islands (CN)
3331 May, WednesdayDay of Castile-La ManchaLocal holiday , Castile-La Mancha (CM)
3408 Jun, ThursdayCorpus ChristiLocal holiday , Castile-La Mancha (CM)
3509 Jun, FridayDay of MurciaLocal holiday , Murcia (MU)
3609 Jun, FridayDay of La RiojaLocal holiday , La Rioja (LO)
3713 Jun, TuesdaySan AntonioLocal holiday , Ceuta (CE)
3821 Jun, WednesdayJune SolsticeSeason
3924 Jun, SaturdaySaint John the Baptist DayObservance , Albacete (AB)
4024 Jun, SaturdaySaint John the Baptist DayLocal holiday , Catalonia (CT)
4124 Jun, SaturdayFeast of San JuanObservance , Albacete (AB)
4229 Jun, ThursdayEid al-AdhaLocal holiday , Ceuta (CE)
4313 Jul, ThursdayFestival of the VaquillasObservance , Teruel (TE)
4425 Jul, TuesdayFeast of Saint James the ApostleLocal holiday , Basque Country (PV)
4528 Jul, FridayDay of the InstitutionsLocal holiday , Cantabria
4605 Aug, SaturdayFeast of the White VirginLocal holiday , Álava (VI)
4705 Aug, SaturdayThe Day of Our Lady of AfricaLocal holiday , Ceuta (CE)
4813 Aug, SundayThe Day of CantabriaLocal observance , Cantabria
4915 Aug, TuesdayAssumption of MaryNational holiday
5019 Aug, SaturdayFeast of Saint MaginusObservance , Tarragona
5102 Sep, SaturdayDay of the Independent City of CeutaLocal holiday , Ceuta (CE)
5208 Sep, FridayVirgin of the PlainsLocal holiday , Albacete (AB)
5308 Sep, FridayDay of AsturiasLocal holiday , Asturias
5408 Sep, FridayDay of ExtremaduraLocal holiday , Extremadura (EX)
5508 Sep, FridayVirgin of the VictoryLocal holiday , Melilla (ML)
5611 Sep, MondayDay of CataloniaLocal holiday , Catalonia (CT)
5715 Sep, FridayNuestra Señora de la Bien AparecidaLocal holiday , Cantabria
5817 Sep, SundayDay of MelillaLocal holiday , Melilla (ML)
5923 Sep, SaturdayDay of Saint TeclaObservance , Tarragona
6023 Sep, SaturdaySeptember EquinoxSeason
6109 Oct, MondayDay of the Valencian CommunityLocal holiday , Valencia (VC)
6212 Oct, ThursdayHispanic DayNational holiday
6329 Oct, SundayDaylight Saving Time endsClock change/Daylight Saving Time
6401 Nov, WednesdayAll Saints' DayLocal holiday , Andalusia (AN)
6509 Nov, ThursdayLa AlmudenaLocal holiday , Madrid
6603 Dec, SundayDay of NavarreLocal holiday , Navarre (NA)
6706 Dec, WednesdayConstitution DayLocal holiday , Andalusia (AN)
6808 Dec, FridayImmaculate ConceptionNational holiday
6909 Dec, SaturdayDay of Saint LeocadiaObservance , Toledo (TO)
7022 Dec, FridayDecember SolsticeSeason
7124 Dec, SundayChristmas EveObservance
7225 Dec, MondayChristmas DayNational holiday
7326 Dec, TuesdaySt Stephen's DayObservance , Balearic Islands (IB)
7431 Dec, SundayFeast of the Holy FamilyObservance
7531 Dec, SundayNew Year's EveObservance

New Year's Day (01 Jan) : New Year’s Day is the first day of the year, or January 1, in the Gregorian calendar.

Reconquest Day (02 Jan) : Reconquest Day is a provincial holiday in Spain

Epiphany (06 Jan) : Epiphany is a public holiday and the day most Christmas presentes are exchanged in Spain.

Day of Saint Ildefonso (23 Jan) : Day of Saint Ildefonso is a observance in Spain

St. Valero's Feast (29 Jan) : St. Valero's Feast is a provincial holiday in Spain

Valentine's Day (14 Feb) : Valentine’s Day is a special time to celebrate love, romance and friendship.

Ash Wednesday (22 Feb) : Ash Wednesday marks the first day of Lent in western Christian churches.

Day of Andalucía (28 Feb) : The Day of Andalucía, also known as Andalucía Day, is an annual public holiday in the Andalucía autonomous community in Spain on February 28.

Day of the Balearic Islands (01 Mar) : The Day of the Balearic Islands is held on March 1 to remember the date when the Balearic Islands' Statute of Autonomy came into effect. It is a local public holiday in this area in Spain.

Fifth of March (06 Mar) : Fifth of March is a provincial holiday in Spain

San Jose (19 Mar) : Saint Joseph's Day honors St Joseph, the Virgin Mary's spouse. It is a public holiday in some parts of Spain on March 19 each year.

March Equinox (20 Mar) : March Equinox in Spain (Madrid)

Daylight Saving Time starts (26 Mar) : Daylight Saving Time starts in Spain

Palm Sunday (02 Apr) : Palm Sunday is a Christian feast that commemorates Jesus Christ’s entry into Jerusalem. It is also the start of Holy Week.

Maundy Thursday (06 Apr) : Maundy Thursday is a Christian observance on the Thursday during Holy Week. It is the day before Good Friday.

Good Friday (07 Apr) : Good Friday is a global Christian observance two days before Easter Sunday.

Easter Sunday (09 Apr) : Easter Sunday commemorates Jesus Christ’s resurrection, according to Christian belief.

Easter Monday (10 Apr) : Easter Monday is the day after Easter Sunday.

Sermon of the Tortillas (14 Apr) : Sermon of the Tortillas is a observance in Spain

Santa Faz (23 Apr) : Santa Faz is a observance in Spain

St George's Day (23 Apr) : St George's Day is an occasion for people in Catalonia to give loved ones a rose and a book.

Castile and León Day (23 Apr) : Castile and León Day is celebrated in the Spanish autonomous community of Castile and León on April 23 every year.

Day of Aragón (24 Apr) : The Day of Aragon celebrates the Spanish region of Aragon's culture and history. It is an annual local public holiday on April 23.

San Prudencio (28 Apr) : San Prudencio is a observance in Spain

Labor Day / May Day (01 May) : Labor Day, or May Day, is a day off for workers in many countries around the world.

Day of Madrid (02 May) : The Day of the Autonomous Community of Madrid, Spain, marks the anniversary of an uprising against French troops in Madrid. It is an annual local public holiday on May 2.

Mothers' Day (07 May) : One of Spain’s most popular and festive family occasions is Mothers’ Day on the first Sunday in May.

Feast Day of St Isidore (15 May) : Feast Day of St Isidore is a municipal holiday in Spain

Galicia Literature Day (17 May) : Galicia Literature Day is a autonomous community holiday in Spain

Whit Sunday/Pentecost (28 May) : Many Christians all over the world annually observe Pentecost, also known as Whitsunday or Whit Sunday.

Whit Monday (29 May) : Whit Monday, or Pentecost Monday, is a Christian holiday that falls on the day after Pentecost, which is also known as Whit Sunday or Whitsunday.

Day of the Canary Islands (30 May) : The Day of the Canary Islands marks the anniversary of the autonomous Canary Islands Parliament's first session. It is a local public holiday on the Canary Islands on May 30 each year.

Day of Castile-La Mancha (31 May) : The Day of the Region of Castilla-La Mancha marks the anniversary of when Castilla-La Mancha's first regional courts were opened. It is an annual public holiday in this Spanish region on May 31.

Corpus Christi (08 Jun) : Corpus Christi is a Christian feast in honor of the Holy Eucharist.

Day of Murcia (09 Jun) : The Day of the Region of Murcia marks the anniversary of when the autonomy of Murcia's statutes was approved. It is an annual public holiday in Murcia, Spain, on June 9.

Day of La Rioja (09 Jun) : The Day of La Rioja is an annual public holiday in the Spanish autonomous community of La Rioja on June 9.

San Antonio (13 Jun) : The Day of Saint Anthony of Padua marks the anniversary of St Anthony's death. It is a local public holiday in Ceuta, Spain, on June 13 each year.

June Solstice (21 Jun) : June Solstice in Spain (Madrid)

Saint John the Baptist Day (24 Jun) : Saint John the Baptist Day is annually held on June 24 to honor the life of St John, an early Christian saint. It is a public holiday in Catalonia, Spain.

Saint John the Baptist Day (24 Jun) : Saint John the Baptist Day is annually held on June 24 to honor the life of St John, an early Christian saint. It is a public holiday in Catalonia, Spain.

Feast of San Juan (24 Jun) : Feast of San Juan is a observance in Spain

Eid al-Adha (29 Jun) : Eid al-Adha (Id ul-Adha) is an Islamic festival falling on the 10th day of the month of Dhul Hijja (Thou al-Hijja) to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son.

Festival of the Vaquillas (13 Jul) : Festival of the Vaquillas is a observance in Spain

Feast of Saint James the Apostle (25 Jul) : Saint James' Day is an occasion to honor the life and deeds of one of Jesus' disciples. It is a public holiday in the autonomous communities of the Basque Country and Galicia in Spain on July 25.

Day of the Institutions (28 Jul) : The Day of the Institutions of Cantabria marks the anniversary of the creation of the Cantabria province.

Feast of the White Virgin (05 Aug) : Feast of the White Virgin is a provincial holiday in Spain

The Day of Our Lady of Africa (05 Aug) : The Day of Our Lady of Africa honors the patron saint of the city of Ceuta. It is a public holiday in this Spanish city on August 5.

The Day of Cantabria (13 Aug) : The Day of Cantabria celebrates the history, culture and language of the Cantabrian region of Spain. It is annually held on the second Sunday of August.

Assumption of Mary (15 Aug) : The Christian feast of the Assumption of Mary is on or around Aug 15 in most countries. A few celebrate Assumption Day at other times of the year.

Feast of Saint Maginus (19 Aug) : Feast of Saint Maginus is a observance in Spain

Day of the Independent City of Ceuta (02 Sep) : The Day of Ceuta is celebrated as a local public holiday in the city of Ceuta in Spain on September 2 each year. This date commemorates when Pedro de Menezes (Meneses) took control of Ceuta.

Virgin of the Plains (08 Sep) : Virgin of the Plains is a provincial holiday in Spain

Day of Asturias (08 Sep) : The Day of Asturias commemorates the Virgin of Covadonga and the Battle of Covadonga. It is an annual local public holiday in the autonomous community of Asturias in Spain on September 8.

Day of Extremadura (08 Sep) : The Day of Extremadura marks the anniversary of the Virgin Mary's birth. It is a local public holiday in Extremadura, Spain, on September 8.

Virgin of the Victory (08 Sep) : Virgin of the Victory is a autonomous community holiday in Spain

Day of Catalonia (11 Sep) : The Day of Catalonia commemorates the end of the siege of Barcelona in 1714. It is a local public holiday in Barcelona, Spain, on September 11.

Nuestra Señora de la Bien Aparecida (15 Sep) : Nuestra Señora de la Bien Aparecida is a autonomous community holiday in Spain

Day of Melilla (17 Sep) : The Day of Melilla marks the anniversary of the storming of the city in 1497 and is a public holiday in Melilla, Spain.

Day of Saint Tecla (23 Sep) : Day of Saint Tecla is a observance in Spain

September Equinox (23 Sep) : September Equinox in Spain (Madrid)

Day of the Valencian Community (09 Oct) : The Day of the Valencian Community is a local public holiday in Valencia, Spain, on October 9 each year. It celebrates Valencian culture and history.

Hispanic Day (12 Oct) : Hispanic Day marks the anniversary of the date that Christopher Columbus first set foot in the Americas. It is a public holiday in Spain on October 12.

Daylight Saving Time ends (29 Oct) : Daylight Saving Time ends in Spain

All Saints' Day (01 Nov) : Many churches honor all their saints on All Saints' Day, also known as All Hallows' Day.

La Almudena (09 Nov) : La Almudena is a municipal holiday in Spain

Day of Navarre (03 Dec) : People celebrate the culture of the Navarre region in Spain and life of Saint Francis Xavier on the Day of Navarre. It is an annual local public holiday in this region on December 3.

Constitution Day (06 Dec) : Constitution Day marks the anniversary of the referendum to approve the Spanish Constitution and is a public holiday in Spain.

Immaculate Conception (08 Dec) : The Feast of the Immaculate Conception is a Christian observance on December 8 each year.

Day of Saint Leocadia (09 Dec) : Day of Saint Leocadia is a observance in Spain

December Solstice (22 Dec) : December Solstice in Spain (Madrid)

Christmas Eve (24 Dec) : Christmas Eve is the day before Christmas Day and falls on December 24 in the Gregorian calendar.

Christmas Day (25 Dec) : Christmas Day is one of the biggest Christian celebrations and falls on December 25 in the Gregorian calendar.

St Stephen's Day (26 Dec) : The Feast of St Stephen is a holiday to commemorate the life and death of an early Christian saint.

Feast of the Holy Family (31 Dec) : Feast of the Holy Family is a observance in Spain

New Year's Eve (31 Dec) : New Year’s Eve is the last day of the year, December 31, in the Gregorian calendar.