Robert E. Lee's Birthday in United States - 2024

15 Jan 2024, Monday

Robert E. Lee’s birthday is an annual official state holiday that is shared with Martin Luther King’s birthday in some parts of the US.

How many days ago was Robert E. Lee's Birthday 2024? [Countup]

How many months ago was Robert E. Lee's Birthday 2024?

3 Months, 13 Days

How many weeks ago was Robert E. Lee's Birthday 2024?

14 Weeks, 6 Days

How many days ago was Robert E. Lee's Birthday 2024?

104 Days

How many hours ago was Robert E. Lee's Birthday 2024?

2,496 Hours

How many minutes ago was Robert E. Lee's Birthday 2024?

149,760 Minutes

When was Robert E. Lee's Birthday in United States 2024?

15 January 2024, Monday

Robert E. Lee's Birthday (2024) in other countries.
1United States15 Jan, MondayRobert E. Lee's BirthdayLocal holiday , Alabama (AL)
2United States15 Jan, MondayRobert E. Lee's BirthdayLocal holiday , Mississippi (MS)
3United States19 Jan, FridayRobert E. Lee's BirthdayLocal observance , Florida (FL)
4United States12 Oct, SaturdayRobert E. Lee's BirthdayLocal observance , Arkansas (AR)